Adobe PDF Reader vs Foxit Reader

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam

Mungkin ramai diantara kita yang tahu akan kewujudan Foxit Reader ini. Mungkin ramai yang tensi dengan kelembapan komputer kita di kala, membuka file PDF dari browser. Kelembapan komputer kita akan terserlah apabila Adobe Reader yang bertanggungjawab membuka file2 PDF ini. Sungguh sembab dan kurang sopan Adobe Reader ini. Kadang-kadang, PC kita yang gagah pon akan menjadi lembab kerana Adobe Reader sedang berjalan.

Setelah kajian dibuat, saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa Foxit Reader adalah 100x lebih baik daripada Adobe PDF Reader. Kajian yang dijalankan menggunakan 2 buah Komputer Meja (Desktop PC le) dengan speknya:

  • Pentium Core2 Duo 2.5GHz
  • Ram 4G
  • Windows XP Pro SP3
  • Mozilla Firefox

Adobe Reader mengambil masa 5 saat untuk membuka sebuah PDF 10MB. Manakala Foxit Reader hanya memerlukan 3 saat.
Winner : Foxit Reader

Cubaan seterusnya adalah membuka sebuah artikel Nursing dari Journal Cancer Nursing. Size 500kb. Adobe Reader membuka dlm masa 7 saat. Foxit Reader 2 saat.
Winner : Foxit Reader

Saiz installation file Adobe Reader adalah 40MB dan Foxit Reader hanya 5MB.
Winner : Foxit Reader

Adobe Reader selalu mempunyai update dan semuanya agak besar. Foxit reader jarang sekali mempunyai update.
Winner : Foxit Reader

Dan akhir sekali, Foxit Reader tidak membuatkan PC anda lembab. Dengan Adobe Reader, PC yang gagah pon akan menjadi lembab.
Winner : Foxit Reader

Oleh itu, secara keseluruhannya, Foxit Reader adalah lebih bagus daripada Adobe Reader. Marilah anda semua beralih ke Foxit Reader.

Awang Says…

The level of one’s education may be determined by observing  one’s action and interaction. How one reacts will display his or her intellectuality. Ingenuity  is passed down from generation to generation. Eating unhealthy food will produce obscurity, hence the ability to comprehend simple idea will be impossible. A person with great mind will not use foul language. A person with great mind is able to distinguish humorous statement and an accusation.

The Next Best Thing : Iced Nescafe

Cara2 membuat Air Nescafe Es yang sedap dan menyegarkan. Bahan2 dan Perkakasan yang diperlukan adalah:

  • Sebuah Jag
  • 4 Camca Besar Nescafe
  • 6 Camca Besar Gula
  • 2 Cawan Susu Isian Sejat (Brand Carnation)
  • Es (Ais le)
  • Senduk
  • 10 Bahagian Air Sejuk
  • Secawan Air Panas

Masukkan Nescafe dan Gula ke dalam Jag dan tambahkan air panas. Kacau sehingga sebati. Kemudian tambahkan Susu Isian Sejat dan Kacau sehingga sebati. Langkah seterusnya, masukkan Es kedalam Jag. Seterusnya, kita tambahkan Air Sejuk tadi kedalam Jag. Sewaktu air sejuk itu dicurahkan kedalam Jag, hendaklah kita mengacau adunan tadi agar kesemuanya bercampur sengan sebati.

Selalunya, Es akan ditambah semasa langkah terakhir. Ini akan menyebabkan adunan tadi tidak bercampur dengan baik. Oleh itu, Nescafe kita tadi, tidaklah sesedap mana. Serupa dengan Nescafe Ais Mamak. Mahal dan tak sedap.

Sekiranya kita menambahkan Es sebelum kita mencampurkan Air Sejuk, ini akan menyebabkan kesemua bahan2 tadi bercampur dan larut dengan baik. Teksture Nescafe akan mengembang di kala kita mengacau adunan tadi semasa kita mencampurkan air sejuk.

Try it!!!

Oi Reza… Semalam bukan Air Nesafe 3-in-1 tau.

The Next Best Thing : Project Natal


Microsoft announced Project Natal somewhere in June during E3 2009. Since then, talks and questions about Project Natal have taken place all over the net. Project Natal, Microsoft Next Best Invention for Xbox 360. What is this Project Natal? No. It has nothing to do with Xmas. Literally, Natal is related to birth. Perhaps Microsoft is announcing new Xbox 360 Configuration with Project Natal.

Controlling without controller or joypad. That is Project Natal is all about. Imagine, controlling your game without using joypad.

Microsoft Explains

Compatible with any Xbox 360 system, the “Project Natal” sensor is the world’s first to combine an RGB camera, depth sensor, multi-array microphone and custom processor running proprietary software all in one device. Unlike 2-D cameras and controllers, “Project Natal” tracks your full body movement in 3-D, while responding to commands, directions and even a shift of emotion in your voice.

In addition, unlike other devices, the “Project Natal” sensor is not light-dependent. It can recognize you just by looking at your face, and it doesn’t just react to key words but understands what you’re saying. Call a play in a football game, and players will actually respond.

With thing like Project Natal, inexperienced user (who else, our mothers ler) can join the fun.

Share files with Dropbox


Message from Dropbox Team

Did you know that you can use Dropbox to share files and collaborate on projects? You can do this using Dropbox shared folders:

  • Shared folders are folders in your Dropbox that sync to other Dropbox users
  • Share lots of files at once (size doesn’t matter)!
  • Receive notifications whenever changes are made by others

Sounds better than emailing files to each other, right? Click here to get started.

Xbox 360 Update: Getting ready for, facebook…

3consolesElite2009.jpg (JPEG Image, 760x387 pixels)

Testing my Xbox 360 for any hardware failures yesterday and boom update is available which is mandatory. If it is mandatory, don’t ask for permission like “Do you want to apply update?”.  Well after my 1st Xbox 360 was visited by 3ROD, paranoia is my vocab. haha.

This is what Major Nelson has to say

Sometime over the next few hours when you sign in to Xbox LIVE you’ll receive a prompt to accept this mandatory update. If you are signed into LIVE already, you may be signed out and asked to accept the update and you’ll be back online in a few moments.

There are no new features or changes in this update. This update is preparation for additional system enhancements (Facebook/Twitter/Last.FM) that will arrive later this year.

Again, there are no new features in this update.

Note : Again, there are no new features in this update. This update does not have any new interesting features. Just to prepare our Xbox 360 for new enhancements sometimes before Christmas.

Ahh. There are lots of users complaint cannot access Live after update. Seems they miss to check out this page for more info.

Facebook while playing Xbox? That’s gonna be awesome. Hell yeah.

Road Clear : Hensem

Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Maju Jaya

Setelah puas berguling-guling di atas katil dan berselubung kerana kesejukan pagi, maka tibalah hari yang paling malas untuk dihadapi oleh kebanyakan golongan pekerja. Saya pasti, terdapat ramai manusia seperti saya yang rasa sungguh malas untuk ke kerja pada hari ini. Namun, apakan daya, rezki halal dan berkat harus diperolehi, maka dikuatkan juga semangat untuk ke ofis. “Tidak mengapa, perasaan malas ini hanya seketika, lepas mandi nanti, hilanglah dia”, begitulah kata hati kecilku.

Keadaan di atas jalan hari ini, sangatlah pelik, kereta kurang, motor kurang dan yang jalan kaki pun kurang. Baik Cina, Melayu dan India, semua macam dah tak minat nak turun Kuala Lumpur. Tempat-tempat yang selalu dok jem pon tak jem hari ni. Loke Yew clear, Hang Tuah clear, Pudu clear, pendek kata, semua jalan utama di Kuala Lumpur semua clear.

Sungguh seronot aku drive pada hari ini. 🙂

Recruitment : World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. World of Warcraft is a “Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game” which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory.

WoW needs YOU!

World of Warcraft : Personal Goal [updated]

Good Morning

It has been a while since my last post. Hopefully, things go as they should. May Allah bless you, readers.

My next project for World of Warcraft is get the “Loremaster”  achievement. The requirement are as follows:

  • Obtain the Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
  • Obtain the Loremaster of Kalimdor
  • Obtain the Loremaster of Outland
  • and Obtain the Loremaster of Northrend

I have completed 2 of the requirements above. As of now I have completed 449/550 for Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms and 631/685 for Loremaster of Kalimdor.

As of now

  • Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms : 534/550
  • Loremaster of Kalimdor : 641/685

I think I will finish this achievement sometimes this year.. Hopefully

Update [19 Sep 2009] : Loktaramish is now known as Loremaster Loktaramish. This achievement was unlocked on 18-09-2009.


Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan ke-52

Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Maju Jaya. Dan juga… Selamat Menyambut Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan Negara yang ke-52. Sedar2 sudah separuh abad Malaysia merdeka. Tapi yang pasti, bukan semua rakyatnya tahu apa itu merdeka.

Merdeka dari segi bahasanya adalah bebas. Namun sejauh manakah mereka semua ini merdeka? Bangsaku… Bangsa Melayu merdekanya di tahap mana? Masihkah mereka semua memerlukan sogokan-sogokan daripada kerajaan? Apakah mereka masih lagi buta akan kebenaran? Sedarkah mereka akan eksploitasi hak-hak istemewa bangsa Melayu sebagai umpan undi? Sejauh manakah Bangsa Melayu ini Merdeka. Merdeka sebagai manusia bebas atau merdeka sebagai bangsat di tanah air sendiri? Anda pilih sendiri.

Pikir-pikirkan lah. Apa itu erti kemerdekaan.