Lagi 2 Bulan…

Hari ini terasa sedikit sentimental. Terkenangkan kembali saat-saat indah melihat anakku keluar dari rahim ibunya. Betapa besar kuasa Tuhan, memperlihatkan kepada saya perit dan sakit mengeluarkan makhluk kecil yang ramai orang buang tepi jalan pada kala ini. Ada yang campak dari tingkat 5 anaknya hidup-hidup. Sungguh tiada perasaan langsung. Biarlah, semoga Tuhan memberi mereka kesedaran, buat baik dibalas baik dan begitulah sebaliknya.

Salah satu saat yang indah di dalam hidup saya, berlaku kira-kira 8 bulan yang lalu. Menemani Puan Isteri di dalam bilik teran, sehingga habis pergelangan tangan ini luka kerana ditekan dengan kuatnya. Pedih dan sakit… Tapi dia lagi sakit. Tidak ada lelaki yang mampu menahan kesakitan kontraksi itu. Yea, kami lelaki adalah golongan yang gagah tetapi tidak segagah anda wahai wanita.

Lebih kurang jam 12.50, tanggal 20 September 2010, A’eisya Qaisara Munawar keluar dari rahim ibunya. Saat yang sungguh magikal dan indah serta sangat menyentuh perasaan. Tidak tahu macam mana nak menggambarkan perasaan itu. Lebih hebat daripada memegang ijazah dan menghenjut tangan Imam Rasah (Tok Kadi). Sungguh bertuah apabila dapat melihat anak perempuan saya keluar dari rahim ibunya.

Kini, si Masham itu sudah berumur lebih kurang 8 bulan. Dah nak tumbuh giginya. Sememangnya mata kami berdua akan merah buat beberapa minggu ini. Sangatlah masham baunya.


Dan selang beberapa minggu lagi (28 Minggu), saya akan melalui pengalaman itu lagi. Memang tak raya kali ini. Orang lain raya dengan Mak dan Bapak. Saya dan Isteri, lepak hospital. InsyaAllah, kiranya diperkenankan olehNya, akan lahirlah anak lelaki saya yang mungkin diberi nama sebagai Adam… InsyaAllah.

Futile Resistance : Defeating Anti-Right Click


Sometimes, I wonder why would a web-master disable the right-click function? Do these nerds really think that they can protect their contents by disabling our browsers’ context menu? Sometimes I laugh hysterically thinking of their futile efforts to disable the “Right Click”. Huhuhu.

Come on, It’s only JavaScript and can be defeated simply by disabling javascript. This is an archaic way of protecting your content. If you do not want people to steal your images or anything and such. Don’t even post it in the 1st place.

Sometimes, right-click is very useful and disabling it is very-very offensive. People do right-click for one of these reasons:

  • Learning Purposes
  • Designing Idea

Why you should not disable right-click

Reason #1 : Annoying
Users who are using gesture to open new tab or links will be the most annoyed with this so called protecting feature. Most function to open link in new tab or window lies within the context menu. This is too retards. Oh yeah. You can tell people to use Ctrl or Apple Command key to open link in new tab/window. What about people with only one hand?


Reason #2 : Unprofessional and Insulting and very Offensive
Do you like to be treated like a thief? You don’t. No one does. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You don’t like to be treated like one. So don’t treat others like one. Capisc!!!

Reason #3 : It is Futile
This is 21st century. Generation X, Y and Z. The Google Generation. Protecting Site with disabling Right-Click is archaic. 5 years old kid knows how to disable javascript.

Thanks Doug

Drupal Module of the Month : ThemeKey

You may spend 3 years trying to write a module that loads different template based on url or aliases. Or you may read Drupal API documentation trying to figure out how theming works in Drupal. There is a module that can do theme switching for you… Enter Drupal Project: ThemeKey. Read description below:

ThemeKey allows you to define simple or sophisticated theme-switching rules which allow automatic selection of a theme depending on current path, taxonomy terms, language, node-type, and many, many other properties. It can also be easily extended to support additional properties exposed by other modules. In combination with Drupal’s theme inheritance and ThemeKey Properties you can easily achieve features like:

  • individually-styled channels
  • a front-page / “splash” screen
  • a date/time-selected Christmas theme
  • mobile themes for different auto-detected mobile devices
  • special themes for “limited” or “old” browsers
  • content, user, or role -specific themes
  • indicating your environment (production, staging, testing, sandbox, … )
  • testing your redesign safely on a live server

And unlike other theme switching modules, ThemeKey should play well with internal and external page caches, like Boost or Varnish, even for anonymous users.

Why spend hours thinking how to load theme based on url or aliases when you have ThemeKey to do this for you. OUM Digital Library Portal uses ThemeKey to load different theme for mobile user. Combination of WURFL, Drupal Project: Mobile Tools, and ThemeKey can make your Drupal Experience much more better. Below is the example of ThemeKey Administrative page:




Use Views Argument as Page Title

While setting up a new website for MOLEC, Malaysian Online E-Resources Consortium Web Site, I wonder how on earth to set the Drupal page Title using Views Argument, instead of using the same Generic Title for each pages. I have created a number of nodes and each of these nodes is identified by Universities. A node may have one, two or more Universities. For example: EBSCOhost : Academic Search Premier may be subscribed by OUM,  UPM , USM and more. By using Views, I managed to create two seperate categories:

  1. List of Universities
  2. Database by Universities

1. List of Universities
The easiest one. Just create a Term view and select your taxonomies term. By magic of Drupal and View, the list will be displayed as intended.

2. Database by Universities
Not so tricky, but if you understand how arguments work – this is a no brainer. I created another Views Display, and this one is Node Type and add your argument in the argument box. For this case, the argument is the name of the universities. The arguments can be anything from term names or node titles or node type.

3. Modify the Links of the List of Universities
Since an argument will be used to display the databases of the universities, url output must be altered using the internal views function “Output this field as a link”. So that every links in the Universities List will be output according to its name. Eg: Open University Malaysia (OUM) –>> /molec/db/Open University Malaysia (OUM) Universiti Malaya (UM) –>> /molec/db/Universiti Malaya (UM) and so on Finaly the juice of this post – using the argument as the title. Two functions will be used to achieved this:

  1. views_get_current_view();
  2. drupal_set_title

In the Header Section of the Database View insert this code:

$view = views_get_current_view();
$arg = $view->args[0];

 if (empty($arg)) {
 drupal_set_title('MOLEC Resources List');
 else {


Hari Ibu dan Minda Jumud


Hari ini adalah Hari Sambutan Hari Ibu bagi Malaysia. Oleh itu saya mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Ibu kepada seluruh Ibu-Ibu di Malaysia dan juga bakal-bakal ibu.

Akan tetapi terdapat juga minda-minda jumud yang telah mengharamkan sambutan hari ibu atas alasan ianya bukan islamik. Saya bukannya seorang ustaz dan juga yang haq untuk menghalalkan atau mengharamkan sesuatu. Namun sudah menjadi kebiasaan saya untuk bertanya jika tidak tahu, selidik jika kurang pasti dan melawan jika salah. Setahu saya, selagi sambutan itu tidak melibatkan upacara keagamaan, ganggu akidah dan campur-gaul yang bebas, ianya adalah harus.

Kalaulah atas sebab ini:

One school of thought claims this day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece, which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. This festival was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome itself from the Ides of March (15 March) to 18 March. The ancient Romans also had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno, though mothers were usually given gifts on this day. In some countries Mother’s Day began not as a celebration for individual mothers but rather for christians.

Terus nak diharamkan Sambutan Hari Ibu. Macam mana pula dengan Sambutan Hari Lahir, Sambutan Kemerdekaan, Sambutan Hari Malaysia, Sambutan Hari Pekerja dan bermacam-macam sambutan yang baik-baik yang berasal dari sana. Yang sudah sedia maklum haram seperti Valentine’s Day – tidak apalah – sebab mmg haram.

Siap quote Hadis Nabi lagi…

Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam pernah bersabda : “Sesiapa sahaja yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum itu , maka dia itu termasuk di dalam golongan mereka”
[Hadits Sahih – diriwayatkan oleh Imam Abu Daud R.H dalam sunannya, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal di dalam musnadnya Dan Imam as-Suyuti di dalam al-Jamie’ as-Shaghir, disahihkan oleh Al-Albani]

Itulah yang terjadi kalau pandai-pandai nak buat hukum. Hanya mereka yang Haq atau ada ilmu hadis dan quran bisa menguraikan pengertian hadis ini.

Haruslah kita ingat bahawa bukan semua yang berasal dari kaum kafir itu tidak elok dan buruk. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam sendiri pernah meminta para tawanan Perang Badar untuk mengajar umat Islam membaca dan menulis. Menggunakan strategi perang dari bangsa lain. So macam mana… masih nak haramkah?

Setahu saya, seperti yang telah diberitahu oleh guru-guru saya – hadis tersebut merujuk kepada sambutan keagamaan seperti Hari Natal, Hannukah atau Easter.

Oleh itu berdasarkan kata-kata dari Jabatan Mufti di dalam GARIS PANDUAN SAMBUTAN HARI BAPA, IBU, KEKASIH DAN YANG SEUMPAMANYA MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM, meraikan Mother’s Day adalah harus. Selagi mana ia:

  1. Sambutan yang dilakukan sebaik-baiknya secara sederhana, tidak melalaikan tanggungjawab seorang Muslim terhadap Allah s.w.t. dan tidak bersifat membazir.
  2. Sambutan yang baik  adalah dengan cara mengasihi sesama sanak saudara melalui amalan ziarah-menziarahi selain berkongsi suka-duka, menzahirkan rasa syukur jika senang dan bertakziah  atau bersimpati apabila ditimpa sebarang musibah.
  3. Sebaik-baik sambutan adalah dengan mengadakan sembahyang berjamaah bersama ahli keluarga, majlis tahlil dan doa selamat, pesanan dan nasihat yang baik serta dalam suasana yang mahabbah.
  4. Setiap ibu bapa perlu merenung kembali dan muhasabah diri ke atas amanah serta tanggungjawab yang terpikul di bahu mereka. Adakah kita telah memainkan peranan sebagai pemimpin keluarga dengan penuh kasih sayang, melalui jalan kebenaran untuk menikmati kedamaian hidup di dunia dan kebahagiaan akhirat.
  5. Setiap ibu bapa perlu menyayangi dan melindungi ahli keluarga mereka daripada segala bentuk ancaman akidah dan kelalaian dunia. Ibu bapa perlu menjadi contoh terbaik di dalam keluarga dan disegani, dihormati serta disayangi oleh ahli keluarga.
  6. Setiap ibu bapa perlu mewujudkan persekitaran yang baik dan selesa agar ahli keluarga merasa selamat,  dihargai dan dihormati dalam usaha melahirkan insan syumul.
  7. Setiap ibu bapa perlu prihatin dan memainkan peranan bersama untuk membabitkan diri dalam membanteras gejala sosial dan maksiat yang berleluasa dalam masyarakat, melalui program amar makruf nahi mungkar bagi melindungi ahli keluarga daripada terjebak.
  8. Setiap ibu bapa perlu memperingatkan dirinya perihal pentingnya peranan mereka dalam menyemaikan nilai-nilai etika dan spiritual yang tinggi dalam kalangan ahli keluarga mereka.
  9. Setiap ibu bapa mestilah mengambil langkah-langkah proaktif bagi mempertingkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran keibubapaan (parenting skills) bagi menyediakan anak-anak mereka untuk lebih berupaya menghadapi cabaran masa kini.
  10. Didikan agama yang sempurna  adalah satu faktor perlindungan (protective factor) yang mampu menyelamatkan manusia dari terjebak ke dalam perbuatan keji yang hanya akan merosakkan dirinya sendiri. Apabila pegangan serta keutamaan tidak lagi berkisarkan kepada tunjang agama yang kukuh, dengan mudah sahaja seseorang itu melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang merugikan diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan negaranya.

Pikir-pikir sebelum letak hukum. Jangan jadi jumud

I Tawt I Taw a Pistol

Anyone of you remember Tweety and Sylvester? Yep. The tagline read as :

I Taw a Putty Tat

Hehehe. Okay. Today I took me wife for check-up. Nothing much. Just normal check-up. Then the doctor offered for detail scan. Date and time would be given later. Okay. No problem. Then we headed to Istana Hinggap Munmon. At 16.30 got call from the clinic, what if we had the scan today at 20.00. To cut it short… we agreed to do the scan today. During the scan, I saw something… and I asked the doctor. “Itu Pistol ka?”. Yep replied the doctor. Haha. Me going to be born baby is a son indeed. All praise to Allah. Alhamdullilah.

Humanising the Library Portal

Good Evening I was wondering how on earth the Library could minimise the gap between the students and the librarian. We do Facebook, we blog, we youtube and many others. I still believe that we need to bring this gap-minimising thing to the next level. Alas, I remember one little app. that permits communication between two parties (as if you can communicate alone!) – meebo me widget

In geekspeak, it’s an IM unifier. In plain English, it’s a one-stop shop for all your instant-messaging needs. Which is to say that Meebo puts all your IM clients — the individual programs that make instant-messaging services incompatible with one another — into one browser window. There’s no need to download all the different apps (MSN, AOL/ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber/Gtalk) to your computer to have any and all types of IM conversations. Available in four dozen languages. More??? –> Click Here  

In the past, perhaps due to network issues, this little app. has not been so useful. Connection Time-Out, Access Denied and so on. Well. it’s the network issue – security and bla, bla, bla. As time passes by, network admin is being lenient I think… Library has no problem accessing meebo. Maybe if… should in the future we get time-out issue again, I will need to ask our glorious network admin to allow access of this site to one single workstation – Muhamad Hafiz’s (He’s the one that will take care of any enquiries and requests). I am not into this chit-chatting thing. That’s all things of the past… (of those who remember en_mun… Selamat Maju Jaya). Here’s the setup screen… very easy no hanky panky stuff. Simple and straight forward:

Just give your widget a name and username – registration and such can come later. This one is free and is a no brainer… After that, meebo will generate your widget embedding code. Copy and paste to your web. Super Easy. Then you will have your widget like this:

Easy kan????