Mantera di NetFlix
Wahaha. Tengah browse apa cerita yang menarik untuk di tonton… Terjumpa plak cerita dari Malaysia di NetFlix. Sangat mengujakan… Tak pula jumpa cerita yang digembar-gembur sebagai bertaraf dunia itu… Maybe kena cari dengan teliti kot.
Update: Ahaha. Sudah jumpa, dia tak pakai nama Melayunya, tetapi dikenali sebagai : Clash of Empires.
The Next Best Thing : Lovely Bones [2009]
I still remember, a novel wrote by Alice Sebold. I could not remember whether I bought this book or borrowed it from Akmar. After the flash flood disaster somewhere in 2007, most of my belongings gone kaput. Luckily, none of my gadgets gone kaput. Lovely Bones, describes the life after death. How heaven looks like. Well, it’s a boring place if I could remember.
This 28 Jan 10, a motion picture based on novel wrote by Alice Sebold will be release to cinema near you. Directed by Peter Jackson and played by Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Saoirse Ronan and many others. “The Lovely Bones” centres on a young girl who has been murdered and watches over her family and her killer from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.
This is a must see movie.
Berita untuk kawan…
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayangnya kau tak duduk di sampingku kawan
Banyak cerita yg mestinya kau saksikan
Di tanah kering berbatuan
Tubuh ku tergoncang dihempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalanan ini seperti jadi saksi
Gembala kecil menangis sedih
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
Ketika ia ku tanya mengapa
Bapa ibunya telah lama mati
Ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya dilaut ku khabarkan semuanya
Kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
Tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggallah ku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali disana ada jawabnya
Mengapa ditanah ku terjadi bencana
Mungkin tuhan mulai bosan
Melihat tingkah kita
Yang selalu salah dan bangga
Dengan dosa dosa
Atau alam mulai enggan
Bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada
Rumput yang bergoyang
Untuk A. Special punya
Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you
FINAS yang Kurang Bijak
Pengarah FINAS menyarankan agar tiket wayang untuk pilem2 Hollywood dijual pada harga RM20. Kununnya untuk memberi peluang kepada pilem2 tempatan. Ini adalah satu cara yang kita pernah lihat sewaktu penjualan kereta nasional PROTON satu masa dahulu. Taktik kotor.
Namun suka untuk saya berbicara bahawa En. Ahmad Puad Onah sebenarnya telah memberi satu saranan yang tidak bijak. Bukan kerana harga tiket kami pilih wayang kami. Bukan kerana Hollywood. Ini adalah kerana kami semua tahu, pilem2 tempatan ini akan ditayangkan di ASTRO dlm masa beberapa bulan sahaja. Sebagai contoh, pilem Anak Halal, tak sampai 3 bulan itu pilem sudah ada di ASTRO. Untuk apa saya buang duit tonton pilem2 tempatan.
Bukan kerana Hollywood saya pileh untuk membeli tiket wayang. Sebab lagi satu adalah kualiti pilem2 yang ditayangkan. Tidaklah saya berapa nak gemar dengan beberapa pilem buatan Malaysia. Adalah 2,3 pilem yang bagus-bagus tapi majoritinya hampeh, umpama, rosak susu setitik kerana nila sebelanga.
Sebelum En. Ahmad naikkan haraga pilem2 omputeh itu ke RM20. Kaji dahulu sebab2 kami semua tak berapa nak suka nonton bioskop tempatan. Yea En. Ahmad, kami tak kisah pon berapa kami kena bayar untuk nonton pilem2 omputeh asalkan tidak nonton pilem tempatan yang tidak ada kualiti itu.
Kalau pilem2 Singapura dan Thailand boleh cecah pasaran Sekutu Israel itu dan seluruh dunia, ngape pilem2 kita tidak boleh. Busukkah pengarah kita? Bangsatkah kita? Tidak juga. Tidak adil untuk salahkan pengarah saja. Cencorship di FINAS mengarut juga. Itu juga memainkan peranan di dalam penurunan minat kami terhadap pilem2 tempatan.
Yea En. Ahmad yea. Pikir2kanlah sebelum anda menyarankan sesuatu. Sudahlah Malaysia ini penuh dengan manusia yang kurang membaca dan anda yea En. Ahmad janganlah cuba untuk join mereka.
En Ahmad oh En. Ahmad
Don’t talk shit about boycotting!!
Good Morning and Salam Sejahtera
Recently, the Zionist is at it again. Killing and destroying the people of Palestine. All the people of the world can do only one thing that is to condemn and condemn again. Nothing more. Or start to boycott these so called Jews product.
Tell you one thing, this boycotting will do nothing. Save that for even crumble the Economy of that Rogue State. What a futile actions. We have to boycott this and that la, boycott Nokia and Intel la. Come one man, nothing will happen.
If you want to start boycotting start with their “stronghold” 1st, the Hollywood. If you can do this, to stop watching movie, stop enjoying all series and sitcom (preferably 24, Heroes, American Idol, Seinfeld and etc) than please with all my respect, continue to boycott.
Don’t talk like bastards if you cannot stop enjoying Hollywood products. For these are the real Jews products. BTW, we are not concerned with Jews here. The culprit, the real culprit is ZIONIST not the Jews. Boycott Israeli product la, baru betol!!
Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong anugerah Datuk ke SRK
Salam Sejahtera,
Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong penganugerahan Datuk kepada Yang Berbahagia Datuk Shah Rukh Khan (DSRK). Perkara ini bisa dilihat di blognya. Pandangan beliau saya hormati setelah meneliti argumen2 Yang Berbahgia Tun. Antara sebab Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong akan penganugerahan itu adalah:
- DSRK telah banyak membantu mempromosikan Malaysia di serata dunia. Filem2 DSRK banyak berlatarbelakngkan Malaysia. Sekaligus memperkenalkan Malaysia di serata dunia terutamanya Eropah.
- Oleh kerana filem lakonan DSRK mempunyai banyak lokasi di Malaysia, perkara ini telah memaksa Agensi Perfileman Hindi (Bollywood) membelanjakan wang yang banyak. Dalam erti kata lain, dari segi ekonomi perkara ini telah membantu aliran wang keluar masuk. Ini adalah bagus untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi.
- DSRK juga banyak melakukan pertunjukan percuma untuk membantu badan2 amal (samada badan-badan amal dari Malaysia atau luar negara tidaklah saya ketahui)
- Akhir sekali, DSRK telah berjaya membawa lebih banyak pengarah2 Bollywood ke Malaysia sebagai lokasi perfileman mereka.
Itu adalah pandangan Yang Berbahgia Tun Dr. Mahathir. Argumen2nya jelas kelihatan. Sekurang-kurangnya Tun mempunyai argumennya. Yang tidak menyokong juga mempunyai argumen2nya. Namun yang saya kesalkan adalah tukang2 komen di blognya. Di situ kita dapat lihat beberapa Rakyat Malaysia (bukan satu atau dua, namun ramai) yang menyokong tanpa usul dan periksa. Oleh kerana terlalu taksub akan Kehebatan Tun, maka terus dulunya tidak menyokong, terus menyokong anugerah tersebut. (Silalah lihat kalau tak percaya). Kelakar bukan? Itu adalah satu antara beribu. Ini lagi ada lagi satu
am i d 1st?? hehe..
yup.. Tun betul.. tiada apa yg perlu dipertikaikan.. walaupun pada mulanya saya anggap i sedikit pelik n lucu.. but come to think of it.. bukannya pelik pun.. biarla org nk bg.. mmg byk lagi bintang kehormat yang akan diberi tiap2 tahun kepada mereka yg layak menerimanya.. macam esok hari (hari keputeraan tuanku Sultan Pahang)..
ok Tun.. semoga dipanjangkan umur n disihatkan tubuh badan..
take care… daaaa.. 😉
Begitulah cara rakyat Malaysia berfikir. Hanya kerana Tun Dr. Mahathir adalah orang yang mereka kagumi, jika Tun kata A, maka A lah untuk mereka. Saya khuatir sekiranya ini adalah caranya, maka tidak perlulah kita semua mempunyai daya pemikiran yang hebat serta perkasa. Kita hanya memerlukan seorang yang hebat sahaja, yang lain2 tidak perlu menjadi hebat. Pak Turut bak kata Tok dan Nenek saya.
Namun ada juga yang tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun. Sungguhpun begitu, saya masih berasa kelakar dengan beberapa Mahkluk Tuhan yang terus menyokong kerana Tun menyokong. Itulah dia beberapa Rakyat Malaysia yang tidak mempunyai Tulang Belakang. Atau mungkin patut saya label mereka Penyokong Fanatik Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Saya sendiri adalah penyokong kuat Tun. Namun saya juga mempunyai pandangan sendiri. Saya memang tidak bersetuju akan anugerah itu. Namun masing2 punya pandangan sendiri. Tidak semestinya saya atau Tun yang betol. Itu suka hati kitorangla. Yang nak sokong secara membabi buta itu kenapa?
Silalah belajar untuk jadi Manusia yang Boleh Berfikir?
Salam Sejahtera.
Good Morning
It has been a while. Just got back from Sabah. Damn tired I am. Fasting, working, travelling and best of all, saved and sound. Am on leave this Monday. Hell no. Will not go to work since am too tired. And I miss Loktaramish the Rogue, me alternate life of World of Warcraft. I am happy to be able to touch my Keyboard, Mouse and the odour of this little room. I’m home again.
Long time ago, I installed XBMC onto my Xbox. Eversince, I have Xbox 360, that old good Xbox rarely gets my touch. I miss XBMC though. While browsing, I came across a post in Lifehacker about XBMC being released to all platform. Previously, it was available only through SVN, and kinda buggy. It would crash whenever I played Morcheeba. Funny, it would crash with that particular song. I donno you tell me!!!
Alas, after years of development, finally, they have released Beta Versuin and works like a charm. On my OS, the Great Ubuntu, XBMC rules. Forget Amarok, forget Elisa and forget all, XBMC is all in one application. One App to rule them all.
XBMC manages to take me away from Loktaramish for a while. Sweet~~.
What, you do not know what the hell is XBMC? Such a waste of time. Click here to learn more.
Install and get it run. You’ll never turn back.
The Dark Knight
Good Morning
May the Lord of the Universe, Keeper of Souls and Ruler of Heavenly Kingdom, bestow good health to all of you. As for me, I am well fed and living happily. Despite minor glitches and heavy workloads, I am still alive. Good Day to all of you.
Yesterday, me GF and I went for a movie somewhere in Cheras. I never knew Cheras is this good. Many places for outing and having fun. Why should I go to Berjaya Time Square or Mid Valley to watch movies when Cheras has it all. All those places are crowded with school childrens and I hate them all. They should all stay at home and do some reading in order to become what is known as Man. It is not easy being man. Humans are everywhere, but how many humans are actually men?
Okay. To the movie then. Batman : The Dark Knight, is a sequel to 2005’s Batman Begins. The Batman is played by Christian Morgan Bale which he is professionaly known. Batman Motion Pictures are numerous and each of them is directed by dfferent Directors and played by different actors. Each movies from these directors does not share the same plot and storyline. Thus, do not be confused with them and please never ever try to relate any of them. You don’t understand!!!
The Dark Knight was the last film played by Heath Ledger (the guy from 10 Things hate about you) before his death of drug overdose (I do not know of the real stories, whether Drug Abused or Accidental Drug Overdose or what, let him Rest in Peace. May God bless you). He played the Joker very well.
A 5 Star Motion Picture for me. A must see and Worth to Watch Movie Award is given to Dark Knight. Below is the review from Wikipedia (Please be warned of spoilers):

The film begins with the Joker robbing a mob-owned bank with several other accomplices, whom he tricks into killing each other. That night, multiple Batman impersonators interrupt a meeting between mobsters and the Scarecrow. The real Batman subdues everyone but suffers injuries which lead him to design a more versatile suit. Batman and Lieutenant James Gordon contemplate including the new district attorney Harvey Dent in their plan to eradicate the mob, as he could be the public hero Batman cannot be. Harvey Dent is found to be dating Wayne’s love interest, Rachel Dawes. The mob bosses meet to discuss how to handle Batman, Gordon, and Dent, while a Chinese mobster accountant, Lau, lets the gang leaders know he has taken their money to Hong Kong to prevent the police and the district attorney from seizing it in an imminent bank raid. The Joker arrives unexpectedly, offering to kill Batman for pay.
Batman successfully abducts Lau in Hong Kong and delivers him to the Gotham City police, therefore the mobsters agree to hire the Joker. The Joker tells all of Gotham that if Batman does not turn himself into the police, more people will die each day. When the Joker begins killing public officials, including Commissioner Loeb and the judge presiding over the mob trials, Wayne decides to turn himself in. Before he can do so, Dent announces that he is Batman, to draw the Joker out of hiding. The Joker attempts to kill Dent, but Gordon and Batman intervene and arrest him.
Batman interrogates the Joker, who reveals that Dawes and Dent have been taken to opposite sides of the city, far enough apart that Batman does not have time to save both of them, and placed in warehouses rigged with explosives. Batman speeds off to save Dawes, while Gordon and the police head after Dent. However, the Joker has switched the locations, sending Batman after Dent and Gordon after Dawes. With the help of a bomb planted at the police station, the Joker escapes with Lau in tow. Batman arrives at Dent’s location in time to save him, but Dent sustains severe burns to the left side of his face. Gordon does not arrive in time to save Dawes, and she is killed in the explosion. In the hospital, Dent is driven to madness over the loss of Dawes. The Joker frees Dent from the hospital and convinces him to exact revenge on the cops, mobsters, Gordon, and Batman.
While Harvey “Two-Face” Dent confronts the corrupt cops and the mobsters one by one, flipping a coin to decide their fates, the Joker burns Lau along with the mob’s money. The Joker announces to the public that he will rule the streets and that anyone left in Gotham at nightfall will be subject to his rule. With the bridges and tunnels out of the city closed due to the Joker’s bomb threat, the authorities begin evacuating people by ferry. The Joker places explosives on two of the ferries—one carrying convicts, the other with civilians—telling the passengers on each that the only way to save themselves is to trigger the explosives on the other ferry; otherwise, at midnight he will destroy them both remotely.
Batman locates the Joker and prevents him from destroying the ferries. After being defeated by Batman, the Joker acknowledges that Batman really is incorruptible, but that Dent was not and that he has unleashed Dent’s madness upon the city. The Joker is subsequently captured by the SWAT team. Batman finds Dent holding Gordon and his family at the building where Dawes died. Dent proceeds to judge Batman, himself, and Gordon’s son through the chance of a coin flip. Dent shoots Batman in the stomach, but before he can determine the boy’s fate Batman tackles him over the side of the building. As Dent lies motionless on the ground, Batman and Gordon realize the fallout and loss of morale the city would suffer if Dent’s acts of murder became known. Batman convinces Gordon to blame him for the murders to preserve Dent’s image. As Gordon destroys the Bat-Signal, a manhunt is issued for Batman.
Official Movie Site: The Dark Knight